Sunday, November 9, 2008

Haifa Wehbe & Assi Hillani

Haifa wehbeBeirut is teaming with people again the Solidere is beating with life again.
The other night Haifa Wehbe and Assi Hillani held a LIVE concert in downtown Beirut and the attendance was unprecedented!
Around 800.000 people gathered to celebrate and watch two of the most famous Lebanese stars perform, "Haifa wehbe and Assi Hiillani"

Such attendance, if not controlled and organized, turns things upside down!
Instead of the concert being a huge success, some called it a ‘disaster’!
People were pushing each other, the singers couldn’t concentrate on their performances and were even mobbed by the people! Later, even power cables were cut and the electricity just went out! Ouch!

Hiafa wehbe was very upset of this so Assi Hillani

1 comment:

Anonymous said... شاهد أكبر فضيحة لهيفاء وهبي وابنتها زينب في الشرق الأوسط